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Dustin loved water no matter where it
was. Why I sent him and Tiffany to swimming lessons at a early age because I am terrified of water. He also loved going to
the library and just playing with his friends and always played whatever sport was in season. As he got older all he did was
hang out with his friends and I my not want to know all he liked to do LOL
Love and Miss Him so Very much!
I love you Mother
(Patti Rawls)

As far back when my Lee was about 5 years old, he loved soccer, just for
fun with his little friends. Where I live in Canada, of course we get lot's of snow, usually from
November till March, so as he got a little older skating started, I put him into skating
classes, from there hockey, he stayed in that for a while, the coach from hockey coached soccer, so he
went into that, met different friends again, some were in swimming, that was on my list, I think swimming is very important for them to know, again while in lesson's he met new friends, some of them were
in karate, so I put him into that. So as you can see he did like and do
a lot of different things, but as he did get that much older, all the sports were just for fun, because from a very young age he did start to draw, on that subject as they say 'The Rest Is History'
There was ten years between his sister Amy, so as she got older he
taught her everything he was taught in these sports, she loved it and had fun, although she skated, but
didn't play hockey, every other sport she did. Lee was so good to her from the time she was a baby, I
was always so proud of him always will be. Where ever he was, you would always see him with
his portfolio, pad's, pen's and pencil's, and if you haven't visited his site, maybe you should to see just how talented he was with his short stories, mainly on his depression, poems,
and of course his talent for drawing.
At times I try to imagine him in Heaven sitting on a rock, looking
far out, with so many beautiful things to draw. I Pray I will join him there one day, and as selfish
as that may sound, it can't come fast enough. I MISS AND LOVE YOU SO MUCH MY ANGEL YOUR LOVING MOM http://www.angelfire/blues/4evermyangel Sue-Anne/Lee's Mama

Mark loved summer, he loved getting out of his jeans "for a minute", as he'd say.
And putting on hsi jean shorts. He liked hanging out with his friends, doing just about anything, with tons of laughing
and joking around.
He loved seeing his mama working in the garden too, always saying things like: Oh
mama I cant wait to taste those tomatoes! He'd even help me too, if I needed it.
He also enjoyed going to yard sales, just like his mama. Heck, he even went with
me to them. Now what young man would want to hang out with his mom? But, Mark loved a good bargain. My brother Charley
told me just last year, that Mark didn't mind stopping at a yard sale at all. Charley was quite surprised by this. In fact,
Charley didn't like to stop at the them, it was too embarassing. But when Mark was with his aunt and uncle. This is when his
Aunt Helen could count on getting to see some. Regardless of what Uncle Charley thought about it, Mark would insist they stop!
Helen told me she liked that about Mark. :)
Mark would bring things home to me, that he knew I"d love, from yard sales, too.
One time he got me a huge twenty galon crock and another time, he brought me home an arrow head key chain, I thought that
was so special.
I still have those items, as well as things he bought at yard sales when he was
little. Like nick nacks and such.He loved fishing, and hunting also. And he loved camping, well really just about anything
that meant he could spend time in the woods. Sitting back, by a campfire or checking out the forest and rivers, etc.
We have many a campfire right in our own back yard, with Mark loving every minute
of it. Roasting a hot dog over the fire, and just enjoying a talk by the fire.Mark was a real true blue nature lover.
He also spent alot of time, helping his friends working on their cars too. Which
was sometimes a summer time thing, or not. I've seen him working way into the night, even in the winter if it meant getting
his friends car fixed.
Mark was a real neat guy in many ways, and always ready to lend a helping hand
summer or any time of year. He was my buddy, my son, and oh how I miss everything about him.

Tina Marie's favorite part about summer
was going to the beach! Angel Mom Linda
Ryan loved to fish. He would sit by the lake for hours.
He would take his fishing pole, tackle box, a cooler with drinks and sit at his favorite spot, lit up a cigar to keep the
bugs away and fish all day. This is one of the things that made him happiest. I wish I had gone fishing
with him more.

Tony was a trombone player with the local youth band, and his favourite solo
piece was "Summertime and The Living is Easy" God love them both they were so looking forward to the break from their studies
the summer of 1990. Little did they know it was to be their last Summer here on earth. Everytime i hear that tune i ache as
i recall Tony playing it. God rest all our beautiful children, and God forgive those Drunk Drivers all over the world that
wiped out their beautiful lives and took them from their families.
God bless you Patti,
Love Carol Ireland

My Jacob loved summer like most kids :-) no school was always the best : -)
Christmas is during summer here and Christmas was Jacob's favourite holiday meant lots of seafood and prawns
Mango's juice dripping down his arms laying on the Trampoline watching the stars
..telling stories ( sigh ...)
Jake loved to go fishing and swimming he loved the water and swam like a fish
:-) Summer was great for BBQ's sitting by the open fire at his Aunty Leonie's house ..Long Hot days just veging out ...
Only think Jacob didn't like about summer was No Soccer :-) :-) though
he played softball and futsal :-)
Deanne Angel Mom

My Joey Loved the water the beach. jet sking oh patti how i
love and miss my son My Life.

The best thing Laurie loved about summer was that she was out of school... No
more getting up early, no more homework... Just time to do what she wanted to do. She loved swimming pools.. The summer before
she died we bought and above the ground pool and built a deck around it. She looked so pretty in her bathing suit floating
on an innertube or floatie. She couldn't spend a lot of time in the heat because of her heart but she did enjoy the few months
we had it. She invited her cousin over and we all three would get in.. It was so much fun seeing her having fun....I miss
her so much...
Shirley, Angel Laurie's Mommy "if love could cure, she never would have died"

Dustin liked the beach, the pool amusement parts.......water slides.
Please visit MY Precious Son DUSTIN JAMES ELLIS Born to Earth Feb. 21, 1985 Born
to heaven march 17, 2001 Angel Mom Melanie

Just have so many sweet memories,
but Michelle just LOVED swimming
and playing outside!!
She was an all nature girl, plants,
pets, even bugs, everything brought her joy!!!!!
Michelle loved to pick wild flowers
and make bouquets, I still have the last bouquet she picked for me the last summer we were together.
My Favorite memory is of our last
summer together, she, Melissa and I went on a very long bicycle ride and got so hot we stopped by a small creek for awhile.
Michelle sat on a large boulder in the middle of the creek and just smiled so broadly and happily. I will NEVER forget that
Angel Mom Cindy Jo

loved fishing and that was what he done with friends and family and his son Mikey during the summer. Would go to the river
and camp and fish all weekend. I have taken up fishing since I lost Michael and I now fish with his son Mikey. We also camp
at the same place on the river where Michael camped and then fish. Michael had a spot on the river called paradise and that
was his place to fish. We go down there each time we go to to river we visit that spot. He also loved having cookouts with
the family. I sure miss those times and miss Michael so much. Love you Michael and miss you
( Carol to angel Michael)

Our Angel Christopher was still so young when he passed, that it is really hard to say what he liked
most about summer. mostly i remember him playing in the sandbox with all of his little construction vehicles. i miss playing
there in the sandbox with him. i also remember that he loved me to pitch wiffle ball to him. he may not have been able to
really run the bases, but even at a young age, he sure could whack that ball!! what i wouldn't give to pitch some balls to
him again, sigh.
Maria Angel Mom

Trissie loved the summer when she was young because she got to be out of school
and her and her sisters would get to spend every day at the pool where all of their friends were also. When she became an
adult and married she loved the summer because she could work in her garden and enjoy her children. She lived in Canada so
the warm whether was really a blessing. She loved to plant things and watch them grow. She was so proud of anything that she
could watch grow that she felt like she had a hand in doing. We know by all the pictures she would send us.
Carolyn Bethea

Geoff loved summer because we spent it down at the Beach
Club swimming, eating, laying on beach and swimming in the pool and then back
to the ocean and then back to the pool. Oh it was glorious and I loved it so much and so did my Angel Geoff.
Karen Mom to Angel Geoff

was Chrissie's favorite time she loved to walk in the rain and ride her bike and play with her dog.
of Chrissie
11-14-1986 to 12-06-2001

I think the thing my angel liked most about summer was fishing. He loved fishing
from the time he was old enough to hold a pole. In the summer I took my kids fishing every day and when their Dad got home
from work, we'd eat supper and go fishing again. My gosh, we loved fishing. I haven't went fishing since he got murdered.
I don't know if I could handle it without him there. Even after the kids were grown I still fished with them when we could
all get together to do it.
Another thing he liked in the summer was playing T-Ball on the Summer Youth League. I'm
sending some pictures. You can use them or not. I don't really know what you have in mind, so I won't be hurt if you don't.
Troy's sister still laughs at Troy in his red and white striped shorts. She thought they were so goofy. I said, "Ya', but
who got the biggest fish?" lol It's actually my favorite pic of him fishing. Gosh, I miss that boy. Lola Angel
Troy's Mom

Anna loved walking in our summer afternoon
showers and fireworks!
Angel Mom Yolanda