As a butterfly flitted
by, and then
I heard the angel say,
" the spirit
I thought that I would
miss you so,
And never find my way,
And then I heard the Angel
" He's with you everyday."

July 21,2008 Oh Dustin you touched so many .Becca so needs your encouragement. I know God has a way of you letting her
know it is you trying to show her comfort in a way she will know is you and I think now is a good time. As you know we here
on earth truly have no idea how all this works but I know you and God can make this possible. Just give her a gentle hug or
a sign that only you and her would know. I am doing what I can but I am not you but I will never turn my back on her
or Little Billy. I know the pain they both feel is as close as to mine as possbile. We know you would not want the pain we
feel to continue but to smile and find the life you would want for us but saying and doing so much harder than you would think.
There is no time limit put on grief and each one is different so 5 years from now you may still get this same letter. I love
and miss you so much!
Mother Hugs to you in Heaven!

July 14th, I love you and miss you so much today was a little emotional as I know you know but you also know I
will be okay.We are meeting Tiff and the boys Sat. for Tyler BD he will be 8 yrs old he did not want to stay little like you
and Tiff.One day he will also change his mind. Still so hard for me to accept you are in Heaven and not in Yuma and will be
home soon. This is something I have to do some how so I can move another baby step forward.Little Billy still stays in touch
and I am so glad . He is still in Galveston I guess need to call him. Well Dustin I love you and sending a bunch of hugs and
kisses to Heaven. Love you Mother
June 27,2009,Good Morning! I have really enjoy the dreams you blessed me with this week first time in awhile
I was able to see your face. Still smiling and laughing.
Tiff left for vacation this morning pray they all get along and have fun and safe time.
Your little niece Chloe is going to time out they way she is acting this morning.
Nothing really new to say I love you very much, Mother
June 14th,2009,Just wanted to tell you I love you and miss you so much and how I wish there was something I could
do to fix this and you come home. I love you so much! Mother

May 29,2009 Was just thinking about you as always and thought I would stop and say hello. Chloe has
her first pony tail yeah for her. She does not like to be still to get pretty guess she wants to be a tom boy but I am determined
she will be a little lady LOL Granny kinda likes her a tiny bit and of course Chloe follows her every where so she really
has to kinda like her.
I have been thinking about the butterfly so much lately and I am sure something to do with you but what I do
not know yet. But week has been pretty good. Ltttle Billy coming by really helps he always makes me laugh. His BD the 15th
and he is waiting to see what I come up with he loved all the silly things at Christmas. He is staying Galveston most the
time now but comes back to Katy some. He is trying to get his head together which he and I seem to be the one that is having
the hardest times. Not always like cry babies but laugh and so wish you were here on earth. We already know you are with from
the heavens. Little Billy really felt you while I was in the hospital and he was so glad because was hard for him to come
see me like that. But all better now.So for the most part all is good right now we never plan our not so good days but I know
there will be a life time of them until we see you again. I love you, Mother

May 27,2009, LIttle blly came over tonight and brought me a Mothers Day gift and also
one for Granny. He is so wanting to fill in the emptiness I have with you gone. I know you would be so proud. We looked
at pictures when you were younger and he laughed and we both thought you were so cute with your curls.Him and Tiff and My
Tyler sure are my Life Savers, and little Chloe.He and I said we are doing better for now and like I said we will continue
to do so. That you are with us each and every day. I love you my baby boy! Mother
May 17th,2009
Sorry it has been awhile since I have written but I think of you every single day. Not a day goes by that I wish I understood
why you left so soon. I know the answer I will never get and I know your happier than you have ever been and when i get
to Heaven and see you all the things I ask now will not matter. your smile so bright and your silly songs i am so waiting
to hear.
So many things have happened since you have been away I know I tell you most like you were standing n front of me some
days that is how I get through the day. I can;t say things are easier this 2nd year seems to be worse it all seems like a
bad dream still and I am ready for you to bcome home. Little Billy has helped me alot with that when I know his heart
is hurting as much as mine I inow you would be so proud of him.He really is trying to get a grip on this life thing LOL and
I keep giving those Motherly Speechs.
I don;t think I would have gotten this far as well as I have if was not for him. He is the only one I can talk and laugh
with, some stories not really mother stories but so funny but never a secret that he is to take to his grave,
I guess tonight is kinda a down night but I picture our smiling down upon me and I am okay. I love you and miss you so
much, Mother